Mandolin Sheet Music

The composers on this page wrote original works for mandoline ensembles. Some also arranged music for mandoline ensembles. Further compositions arranged for mandoline ensembles can be found here.

For mandolin quartet/orchestra

For mandolin and guitar

From the collection of Willi Lorenz, a former member of the Braunschweig Mandolin Orchestra.
  • Vincenzo Arienzo (1873 - 1907, presumably a pseudonym of Enrico Marucelli)
  • Salvator Leonardi (1872 - 1938)
  • Alfred Heinrich Loreti (1870 – 1944)
  • Hermyn Siegmund (1863 - 1941, first name also spelled: Hermin. Many modern sources claim that this was a woman. Maybe because the female name "Hermine" is much more common than the male "Hermin". But according to older issues of a guitar magazine on, this was a man who published sheetmusic in his own publishing company in Silesia.)

Footnote: I am providing the music on this site as a historical record. Some of the composers and some of the music titles and themes are inappropriate from a modern perspective because of a discriminatory nature or because of political views that I do not condone.

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